Croydon Artist takes a Kardashian Twist

Stephanie Kane on Success of New Art Series

Up and coming Croydon Artist, Stephanie Kane, is soaring in popularity with her latest S-KK series that has recently evolved from the twenty-three year olds collection. The S-KK series was created around reality television star – Kim Kardashian and was produced using an iPad and Adobe Sketch.

Feeling frustrated with how the public idolise celebrities that don’t do much to create a positive change, Stephanie endeavoured to warp the images of celebrities that are instantly recognised, such as ‘Kim crying’.  As a comment on the reality star’s warped sense of reality, ‘KRYING KIM’ was re-worked and hand finished to feature black tears made with diamond dust which was later dubbed ‘RIP DIAMOND EARRING’ in reference to the infamous moment Kim lost her diamond earring in the sea.

The artist’s most popular piece ‘WAKE UP MRS. WEST’, named after the song ‘Wake up Mr. West’ from Kayne West’s album ‘Late Registration’, has now sold out after high demand. Stephanie intended for the piece to be used as a direct comment on how our society worship’s someone that has triggered multiple generations to feel the need to contour and drastically enhance their features.

The emerging artist’s typical style involves taking the traditional use of oil paints and layering with crayons for a fast mark making effect. Stephanie, who is CEO of rising art gallery – Studio14, has been selling her work internationally over the past year and seen her portraits take off in popularity. After recently meeting with the creative director from GQ, he told the artist, ‘I’m not laughing at your work, I’m just laughing because it’s so ballsy.’

To keep up with Stephanie’s latest work you can catch her artwork on display in Boxpark, Shoreditch with UTTERcouture or see two of her original works displayed in WeWork, Spitafields for the next 3 months where they are available to buy.

Those who aren’t based around London can catch Stephanie’s work at an exhibition in Leeds on the 2nd June run by magazine – Paint by Number. The young artists work has been featured in the second issue of the magazine, this one night exhibition is set to celebrate the issue launch and its featured artists.

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